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Special Procurement Programs

Special procurement programs are established to promote business and employment opportunities in Illinois. Programs may exist for particular individuals providing the goods and services, and/or for particular supplies and services.

To learn more about special procurement programs, contact the Chief Procurement Office or see the Illinois Procurement Code at 30 ILCS 500/45.

Special Procurement Programs:

Business Enterprise Program


The Business Enterprise Program promotes the economic development of small businesses owned by Minorities, Females, and Persons with Disabilities. State agencies and universities have a goal to buy at least 20% of goods and services from BEP-certified businesses.

Do I Qualify?

  • Must be at least 51% owned and controlled by persons who are minority, women or designated or disabled
  • Must be a United States citizen or resident alien
  • Annual gross sales of less than $75 million

For more information:

Website: Business Enterprise Program (BEP)


Phone: 1-312-814-4190 or 1-800-356-9206

Small Business


State agencies and universities have a goal to buy not less than 10% of state contracts from certified Illinois small businesses.

Do I Qualify?

  • Must be an Illinois business (requires an Illinois State Tax return with an Illinois address)
  • Annual gross sales may not exceed:
  • Wholesale - $13,000,000 or less (effective 1/1/15)
  • Retail or Services - $8,000,000 or less (effective 1/1/15)
  • Construction - $14,000,000 or less (effective 1/1/15)
  • Manufacturing - 250 employees or less (remains the same for 1/1/15)

For more information:



Phone: 217-558-3723

*To register in the Small Business Set-Aside Program, go to the Illinois Procurement Gateway (IPG) at the above website and sign up as part of your IPG registration.

Veteran-Owned Small Businesses


Through the Veterans Business Program (VBP), State agencies and universities are encouraged to spend at least 3% of their procurement budgets with verified Veteran-owned and Services-Disabled Veteran-owned businesses.

Do I Qualify?

  • Illinois businesses
  • Annual gross sales under $75 million
  • 51% owned by veterans or service-disabled veterans living in Illinois

For More Information:



Phone: 1-312-814-4190 or 1-800-356-9206

Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses


The Illinois Procurement Code (Code) establishes a goal that not less than 3% of the total dollar amount of State contracts is awarded to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses.

Do I Qualify?

  • Illinois businesses
  • Annual gross sales under $75 million
  • 51% owned by veterans or service-disabled veterans living in Illinois

For More Information:



Phone: 1-312-814-4190 or 1-800-356-9206

Sheltered Workshops for the Severely Handicapped ("State Use")


The Program provides long-term employment opportunities for people working in qualified not-for-profit agencies by encouraging all State of Illinois Agencies to purchase products and services produced and provided by persons with significant disabilities.

Do I Qualify?

  • Complies with Illinois laws governing private not-for-profit organizations;
  • Is certified as a sheltered workshop by the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor or is an accredited vocational program that provides transition services to youth between the ages of 14 1/2 and 22 in accordance with individualized education plans under Section 14-8.03 of the School Code and that provides residential services at a child care institution, as defined under Section 2.06 of the Child Care Act of 1969, or at a group home, as defined under Section 2.16 of the Child Care Act of 1969; and
  • Meets the applicable Illinois Department of Human Services just standards.

For More Information:

Website: State Use Program (

Call: 217-524-4211 or 217-782-6143

Other Preferences

Resident bidders


In breaking a tie bid or proposal as described in Section 4.2037, an Illinois resident vendor shall be given the award. An Illinois resident vendor shall be allowed a preference as against a non-resident vendor equal to any in-state vendor preference given or required by the state of the non-resident vendor.

Do I Qualify?

A "Resident Bidder" is a business having a bona fide establishment for transacting business within this State at which it was actually transacting business on the date when any competitive solicitation for a public contract was first advertised or announced, including a foreign corporation duly authorized to transact business in this State that has a bona fide establishment for transacting business within this State at which it was actually transacting business on the date when any competitive solicitation for a public contract was first advertised or announced.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Preferences for Products/Services:

Soybean Oil-Based Ink


Contracts requiring the procurement of printing services shall specify the use of soybean oil-based ink unless a State Purchasing Officer determines that another type of ink is required to assure high quality and reasonable pricing of the printed product. [30 ILCS 500/45-15] The SPO will make this determination based on justification submitted by the university.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Recycled Materials


When a public contract is to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or offeror, an otherwise qualified bidder or offeror who will fulfill the contract through the use of products made of recycled supplies shall be given preference over other bidders or offerors unable to do so, provided that the cost included in the bid of supplies is equal or less than other bids or offers, unless the use of the product constitutes an undue practical hardship. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to apply to a construction agency for the purposes of procuring construction and construction-related services. [30 ILCS 500/45-20] The SPO will make this determination based on justification submitted by the university.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Recyclable Paper


All paper supplies purchased for use by universities must be recyclable paper unless a recyclable substitute cannot be used to meet the requirements of the universities or would constitute an undue economic or practical hardship. [30 ILCS 500/45-25] Universities shall make this determination and shall include this determination in the procurement file.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Environmentally Preferable Supplies/Services


Universities shall contract for supplies and services that are environmentally preferable, as that term is defined in Section 45-26(3) of the Code.  If, however, contracting for an environmentally preferable supply or service would impose an undue economic or practical hardship on the contracting university, or if an environmentally preferable supply or service cannot be used to meet the requirements of the university, then the university need not contract for an environmentally preferable supply or service.  Specifications for contracts, at the discretion of the contracting university, may include a price preference of up to 10% for environmentally preferable supplies or services. [30 ILCS 500/45-26(b)]  Universities shall make this determination and shall include this determination in the procurement file.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Gas Mileage


Any new passenger automobiles, whether purchased or leased, must meet minimum fuel mileage standards.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Illinois Agricultural Products


In awarding contracts requiring the procurement of agricultural products, preference may be given to an otherwise qualified bidder or offeror who will fulfill the contract through the use of agricultural products grown in Illinois. [30 ILCS 500/45-50]

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Corn-Based Plastics


In awarding contracts requiring the procurement of plastic products, preference may be given to an otherwise qualified bidder or offeror who will fulfill the contract through the use of plastic products made from Illinois corn by-products. [30 ILCS 500/45-55]

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Vehicles Powered by Agricultural Commodity-Based Fuel


All diesel powered automobiles and light trucks purchased with State funds shall be certified by the manufacturer to run on 5% biodiesel (B5) fuel. Station wagons (including SUVs and crossovers), vans (including mini-vans), four-wheel drive (including AWD) vehicles, emergency vehicles, and police and fire vehicles are not exempt.

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143

Bio-Based Products


When a State contract is to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, an otherwise qualified bidder who will fulfill the contract through the use of bio-based products may be given preference over other bidders unable to do so, provided that the cost included in the bid of bio-based products is not more than 5% greater than the cost of products that are not bio-based. [30 ILCS 500/45-75]

For More Information:


Phone: 217-558-5143
